Saturday, 2 April 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day 15 - A Song That Describes You

Men Are From Mars, Boys Are From Nintendo

A song that describes myself? Well, to date, I have 855 of them but only this one video is up on youtube so it's gonna have to be a glič one.

If you've never heard any glič before then the closest thing I can compare it to would be Jaco Pastorius covering Naked City songs in an Atari Teenage Riot fashion using a Gameboy.. in the 80's. I don't agree too much with the Squarepusher/Venetian Snares comparisons, unless you're just pin-pointing the slap-bass elements or the blast-beats, but even then you need to adjust your perimeters to further afield. 

The whole concept behind glič was to redefine something, be it the way you listen to a song/album or just attitudes towards writing and producing music. I liked the hypothetical concept behind putting a collection of 80's synth-pop records through a shredder and then trying to piece a different cd from those shards. Some of it's aggressive, some ambient and sometimes just an ultimate groove; and that can be within just 30 seconds of one track. 

Of course it's not to everyone's taste and this is where I start to shoot myself in the foot. People either love it or they just don't understand what it's all about, and possibly my biggest fear of all with glič is that listeners just think it's all random noise. 

The obvious clue is in the title "Glitch" but it's not a part of the Glitch genre. "Glitch" is just glorified hip-hop with VSTs that sporadically rehash beats and loops in a random fashion. So here lies the big difference; everything confined within a glič track is deliberate, chosen, 'written' into place. Every illogical time-signature has been created with a heavy amount of logic behind it. Every off-kilter counter-melody has been somewhat deconfigured using a shed load of creative mathematics to a certain degree. 

Due to the sheer speed and amount of what's happening upon listening, I know I can't expect everyone to take the time and effort into acknowledging all of this and so I should just be happy that some people love it cause it batters their brains out for recreational purposes.

I guess I could throw it into some dark avenue of "Intelligent Dance Music" if I HAD to, but even still i'm not satisfied with that. It's essentially taking jazz...
(everyone stops reading...) I was saying, it's essentially taking jazz principles and installing them into an electronic environment, using chiptune in completely different ways than intended. Not that i'm a hardcore chiptunist, as they can be more perilous than Radiohead fans (running joke from previous entries).

I'll be happy to settle for Electrospazz.

Obviously, I'm going to take this opportunity to plug myself;

On a final note, I would just like to say to everyone who has bought/stolen albums, played my stuff over the radio, blogged me, reviewed me, stopped me and told me I was a badass, or just heard a track and cracked a vague smile; ULTIMATE THANKINGS! YOU'RE AWESOME-O!

...and to anyone who has recoiled, cried or if these songs have ruined your life in any way; then I am truly sorry, and afraid I cannot give you back those minutes you spent listening.

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