Saturday, 2 April 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day 14 - A Song That No One Would Expect You To Love

Scary Monsters & Nice Sprites

Two reasons why no one would expect me to like this;
a) it falls under Dubstep
b) it's the singer from that god-awful hardcore band From First To Last

Let's start with the first one. Dubstep, aka. the "cheese on toast" of music production. Create a mid-tempo drumbeat, hold one note on a keyboard, press record again whilst twiddling your LFO knobs and you're done. Literally no artistic integrity involved and i'm not even gonna argue with anyone on this matter because if you say otherwise you're admitting you're talking out of your arse.

Because of it's single-functioned nature, Dubstep has obviously had to evolve into other genres purely to survive, Popstep, Brostep, [insert word of the week]step, that the amount of sub-genres that fall under the Dubstep umbrella is just becoming ridiculous, and quite frankly irreverent.

But hey! At least it's not drum n' bass, right?

Yak yak yak...

Time for a refresher round; y'all remember From First Til Last yeah? Well if not, well Skrillex is that guy with the big hair hiding his ugly mug behind the microphone.

Yes, I understand that by berating something or someone means that you have failed as a journalist/writer; it's the BIG ONE to avoid but I'm not a journo so I can get away with saying that everything about this band are ultimate cack. I should have picked these guys for Day 12 (song by a band you hate).

So here we have TWO of my biggest peeves, joining forces for what seems like a personal vendetta to destroy me. The bizarre thing is, it's actually brill-bo baggins. Yeah sure, it's Breakstep, Brostep or "TheFrontmanWhoUsedToBeInFromFirstTilLastStep" but it's a frikkin' EVIL tune. I guess this is what happens when you bring a post-hardcore/screamo mentality to electronic music.

It's probably just me, but when I hear dubstep, in my mind I see a rotten horse floating up and down on waves. This song is more like a unicorn in flames, impaling surfacing sharks and blowing up oil tankers with laser-eye-bolts. Doesn't mean I'm gonna start liking Dubstep though.

We're all allowed a one-off.

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