Sunday 17 April 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day 28 - A Song That Makes You Feel Guilty

Save Your Scissors
City & Colour

For anyone who doesn't know, this is the guy with the lovely voice from the Canadian hardcore band Alexisonfire. Beautifully piped folkisms wrapped in cuddly blankets of aaaaaaah. However this album will always be tainted for me with epic proportions of guilt and regret.

I'm not going to go into any details, cause quite frankly you don't need to know, but we all make mistakes, sometimes deliberately and just to punish ourselves. I was basically that little child curiously poking the bottom of the landslide with a stick to see what would happen and I had no-one to blame but myself when it all fell down on me. But I knew that would happen hence why I did these things out of self-deprecation.

Confused? Good... keep your stinking nose out.
And you know that I am sorry.

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