Thursday, 7 April 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day 20 - A Song That You Listen To When You’re Angry

43% Burnt
Dillinger Escape Plan

I don't really get angry because a) it's just not in my nature and b) getting angry means you've failed at life. However, this track is sheer math-metal aggression with a killer chug-a-thon for an outro; whack this on and you'll be throwing chairs out of closed windows before it's even finished.

This is old Dillinger at their best, Calculating Infinity-era before they went all a bit... well, don't get me wrong, the new singer is an ultimate bad-ass, and I do enjoy some of their pop-sensibilities and Squarepusher influenced newer stuff, but it's a different Dillinger. This is the Dillinger I fell in love with.

I've seen Dillinger a whole heap of times over the years, and still one of the greatest live bands of all time. See the video below to watch the singer running over the crowd to 'Sugar Coated Sour'. THAT'S RIGHT! LIKE THEIR FACES ARE A FLOOR...

Ironically, the song is quite a sweet serenade to some 'whore' of which he speaks of;

"I smell that whore
bring me back
bring me a brick
take my bottle
and break it
pour it all out
i pushed you too far
self absorb that pity
i want to knock you off your horse
i just feel it
everything's fine
spit on yourself
you're so beautiful
crack and chip off
like the sun won't
take your medicine like a champ
while that sting can last a million years
self absorb that utopia
so bad
i just feel it"

Lovely stuff.

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