Monday 4 April 2011

30 Day Song Challenge: Day 17 - A Song That You Hear Often On The Radio

Just A Dream

I don't actually listen to the radio. I don't even own a radio. The only time I get to listen to the radio these days is if I'm in the back seat of a car travelling to play some armpit venue or if I'm sat waiting in the doctor's surgery. Now that I mention it, given my plethora of recent medical issues that's quite a lot of airtime.

However I am sometimes subjected to the occasional music channel every now and then and this particular song did catch the attention of my ear-shaped eyeball a few months back.

It's pop. Nothing else to discuss really, but it's soulful pop and a great song. Vocal harmonies in the chorus reminds me of an old Tony Rich Project tune from back in the day; "Nobody Knows". Probably the reason why I'm so enamored with it.

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